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raspberry pi projects

Raspberry Pi Projects

Smart Alarm Clock with Raspberry Pi

Smart Alarm Clock with Raspberry Pi

Smart Alarms are very common today yet the good ones expensive. What if you wanted to make a smart alarm clock on your own using as little hardware and cost as possible? You may ask isn't the RPI costly, yes it is but, the only purpose of using an RPI is easy to net...

Spy Bot with Raspberry Pi

Spy Bot with Raspberry Pi

Spy bot is a raspberry pi bot that uses its camera to take secret pictures, encrypt them using RSA encryption and upload it safely to a database/server. Today, security and surveillance have become very important. To take inspiration from world scenario we start off...

Build a Rasberry Pi Twitter Bot

Build a Rasberry Pi Twitter Bot

Getting started with the Twitter API Twitter is a web service that provides an application programming interface (API), which means you can write software that communicates with the live Twitter service—perhaps to read tweets in real time or to automatically publish...

Face Detection using Raspberry Pi

Face Detection using Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a powerful tool, and when coupled with OpenCV library can be used for many image processing projects. At the end of this article you will learn to build one such application 'Face detection'. Face detection is exactly what is sounds like, the camera...