How to Integrate Raspberry pi to KAA IoT dashboard?

by Apr 1, 2021IoT Cloud, Raspberry Pi projects

This article illustrates how to integrate devices with the KAA IoT dashboard. We shall see an example of monitoring Temperature and Humidity on the KAA IOT dashboard over paho MQTT.

Pre-requiste: Basics of raspberry pi, Knowledge about MQTT

Introduction to KAA IOT

Kaa is a highly flexible, multi-purpose, and open-source middleware platform for implementing complete end-to-end IoT solutions. Moreover, Kaa offers a set of out-of-the-box enterprise-grade IoT features that can be easily plugged in and used to implement a large majority of the IoT use cases.

Features of KAA

  • Device Management
  • Data collection
  • Configuration Management
  • Messaging and notifications alert
  • Open IOT protocol
  • Data Visualization

Example of remote Monitoring of temperature and Humidity using Raspberry pi and KAA IoT dashboard

  1. Firstly setup the circuit that interfaces DHT11 with raspberry pi.
Credit-Circuit Basics

Pin configuration

DHT11 pinsGPIO pins of Raspberry pi
VCC5v (GPIO 2)
Pin configuration of DHT11 with Raspberry pi
  1. Secondly, let’s Install DHT11 package and enter the below command in terminal
Open the Adafruit_python_DHT folder and enter the above command

3. Additionally now, Let’s install Paho Mqtt package by entering the below command

However, if there are any errors found related to the paho MQTT package then you can refer Paho Python Client. Then, enter the below commands in the terminal.

Enter the above command in the terminal

4. Finally, It’s necessary to signup for a free account

Login page of KAA IOT

5. After that, Go to Cloud and select Root account

Select Root account

6. After that, we shall learn how to get endpoint token. Select Device management and choose devices. In Endpoint token status click on the option create.

Copy the endpoint token and paste it in device configuration section

7. Now, select device management and add a device. Finally, enter endpoint token obtained from previous step

Enter Application Name and endpoint token
  1. Moreover, it’s necessary to copy the endpoint token and application version, paste it into the source code.
Copy and paste Application Version and Endpoint token to source code

9. Edit the application configuration for the Endpoint Time Series service (EPTS). EPTS is a Kaa platform component that is responsible for transforming raw data samples into well-structured time series.

Enable time series Auto extraction

10. Run the source code and in addition to it, check if the endpoint token is active or not. Moreover, the active state of the endpoint token can be checked in the dashboard as well.

Successfully connected to server

After connecting to the server

11. Furthermore, now let’s configure the dashboard

Go to solutions and choose your application.Click on dashboard and choose your widgets

Choose the widget from dashboard

12. Thus, after selecting widgets, it’s important to configure it.

Then, select edit on the widgets and enter endpoint token, application name, time series and save.

13. Finally, you can see the data in the KAA IoT dashboard.

Temperature and Humidity data being displayed on dashboard
Data can be verified in python shell

14. Similarly, the data can be observed in device telemetry as well.

Source Code

import sys
import json
import random
import signal
import string
import time
import Adafruit_DHT
sensor = Adafruit_DHT.DHT11
pin = 7

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

KPC_HOST = ""  # Kaa Cloud plain MQTT host
KPC_PORT = 1883  # Kaa Cloud plain MQTT port

ENDPOINT_TOKEN = ""       # Paste endpoint token
APPLICATION_VERSION = ""  # Paste application version

class KaaClient:

    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client
        self.metadata_update_topic = f'kp1/{APPLICATION_VERSION}/epmx/{ENDPOINT_TOKEN}/update/keys'
        self.data_collection_topic = f'kp1/{APPLICATION_VERSION}/dcx/{ENDPOINT_TOKEN}/json'

    def connect_to_server(self):
        print(f'Connecting to Kaa server at {KPC_HOST}:{KPC_PORT} using application version {APPLICATION_VERSION} and endpoint token {ENDPOINT_TOKEN}')
        self.client.connect(KPC_HOST, KPC_PORT, 60)
        print('Successfully connected')

    def disconnect_from_server(self):
        print(f'Disconnecting from Kaa server at {KPC_HOST}:{KPC_PORT}...')
        print('Successfully disconnected')

    def compose_metadata(self):
        return json.dumps([
                "model": "Dht11",
                "fwVersion": "v0.0.1",
                "customer": "IOTEDU",
                "latitude": 13.019318,

    def compose_data_sample(self):
        humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin)
        print('Temp={0:0.1f}*C Humidity={1:0.1f}%'.format(temperature, humidity))

        return json.dumps([
                "timestamp": int(round(time.time() * 1000)),
                "temperature": round(temperature,2),
                "humidity": int(humidity)

def on_message(client, userdata, message):
    print(f'<-- Received message on topic "{message.topic}":\n{str(message.payload.decode("utf-8"))}')

def main():
    # Initiate server connection
    client = mqtt.Client(client_id=''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(6)))

    kaa_client = KaaClient(client)
    client.on_message = on_message

    # Start the loop

    # Send data samples in loop
    listener = SignalListener()

    payload = kaa_client.compose_metadata()
    result = kaa_client.client.publish(topic=kaa_client.metadata_update_topic, payload=payload)
    print(f'--> Sent message on topic "{kaa_client.metadata_update_topic}":\n{payload}')
    while listener.keepRunning:
        payload = kaa_client.compose_data_sample()
        result = kaa_client.client.publish(topic=kaa_client.data_collection_topic, payload=payload)
        if result.rc != 0:
            print('Server connection lost, attempting to reconnect')
            print(f'--> Sent message on topic "{kaa_client.data_collection_topic}":\n{payload}')


class SignalListener:
    keepRunning = True

    def __init__(self):
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.stop)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.stop)

    def stop(self, signum, frame):
        print('Shutting down...')
        self.keepRunning = False

if __name__ == '__main__':

Summary of the article

Finally, the output is observed in the dashboard. Similarly, we noted that temperature and Humidity data from Python shell and Dashboard widgets are same. Moreover, the data collected, can be downloaded as a CSV file and can be used for further analytics use.

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Written By Monisha Macharla

Hi, I'm Monisha. I am a tech blogger and a hobbyist. I am eager to learn and explore tech related stuff! also, I wanted to deliver you the same as much as the simpler way with more informative content. I generally appreciate learning by doing, rather than only learning. Thank you for reading my blog! Happy learning!


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