Popular Jenkins Alternatives for DevOps Developers and CI/CD

by Dec 9, 2020IoT Continuous Integration

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is a free source and a powerful application that allows users, regardless of the platform they are using, to continuously integrate and deliver projects. It is integrated with a large number of technologies for testing and deployment purposes. In addition, it can build and test software projects in a continuous manner.

This open-source application is an important DevOps tool. However, the user interface is not only inconvenient but also quite outdated. We have compiled a list of popular Jenkins alternatives that are sure to be compatible with current UI trends. Furthermore, they are open-source and commercially viable as well.

1. Buddy

 Jenkins Alternatives

The arduous task of configuring and managing Jenkins can easily be replaced by Buddy. The most complicated CI/CD workflow becomes ten times easier and faster and takes an average of 12 seconds to deploy. Furthermore, it includes plans like Docker Layer Coaching, concurrent pipelines and steps, repository caching, reusable environments, etc. This web-based continuous integration and deployment DevOps tool can work in close association with the code from GitHub. A developer can easily build, test, and deploy websites thus erasing the need for extra manpower to configure and maintain the processes.

The main features of Buddy are:

  1. BuddyCl does not need to be installed.
  2. It requires minimal maintenance
  3. In comparison to the open-source plugins required by Jenkins, Buddy integrations are premade and tested.
  4. Scripted and UI driven pipelines.
  5. In terms of customizations, it offers a wide variety of highly tested options to choose from. However, it offers little control over new integrations.
  6. Buddy offers a monthly subscription.
  7. It offers full Docker and Kubernetes support.
  8. In addition to working with AWS and Azure, it also supports and popular languages and Frameworks.

2. CruiseControl

 Jenkins Alternatives

CruiseControl is an open-source CI tool that has great community support and allows its users to create a customized build process. Although the language used is Java, it provides builders that can help create different projects. In addition, different source control systems can also be integrated as CruiseControl provides a variety of plugins. Furthermore, it has the feature of equipping CI server with various static analyzing tools.

The main features of CruiseControl are:

  1. 1000+ plugins
  2. Java is used to build it and therefore it supports all major platforms.
  3. Provides remote management support
  4. A single server can have multiple projects.
  5. Provides you with the choice to integrate with many different Source Control systems like vss, csv, ssn, git, hg, etc., and also with external tools like NAnt, NDepend, NUnit, Visual Studio, etc.
  6. Free of cost
  7. Provides email and messaging notifications.

3. Integrity

 Jenkins Alternatives

Integrity is a CI tool that works only with GitHub and generates reports whenever the user commits, builds or runs the code. In addition to generating reports it also provides notifications to the user. The CI server runs the test as soon as a commit takes place.

Main features of integrity are :

  1. Multiple notification mechanism
  2. Can only work with git
  3. Supports notification mechanisms like Email, Shell, TCP, etc.
  4. Can mirror with other SCM.

4. Circleci

 Jenkins Alternatives

Circleci is well known for its flexible tool that is easy to maintain and can run in almost any environment. It automates testing and deployment along. In addition, it automatically maintains third-party integration with orbs. The tool also reduces bugs, thereby improving application quality. Moreover, it supports many languages C++, Linux, Python, Ruby, etc. Circleci supports Docker and therefore allows its users to configure customized environments. It provides optimal caching and parallelism that lead to fast performances.

Main features of Circleci are:

  1. Faster builds
  2. Feedback cycle is short
  3. Pipeline maintenance is short
  4. Reusable config can manage multiple projects
  5. Easy integration with VCS tools
  6. Allows the choice of Build Environment

5. Bamboo

 Jenkins Alternatives

Bamboo allows you to boost your CI pipeline by providing a wide variety of apps and a choice to even make your own. This Atlassian product allows you to build, test, and integrate with Jira in an efficient manner. Jenkins isn’t very user-friendly, however, Bamboo provides a good user-interface. Moreover, it supports multiple technologies, for example, AWS, Amazon S3 buckets, SVN, etc. In contrast to Jenkins, it supports test automation without plugins.

Main features of Bamboo are :

  1. Runs parallel batch tests
  2. Easy set-up
  3. As compared to Jenkins, Bamboo provides easy and efficient integration with Jira, Bitbucket, and Fisheye
  4. Provides good support for licensed users
  5. Has fewer plugins in comparison to Jenkins
  6. Supports REST API, Git branching workflows, and test automation

6. Urbancode

 Jenkins Alternatives

Urbancode is a CI tool by IBM that provides a multitude of features in a single package, for example, traceability, robust visibility and auditing features. It becomes easier for you (or a client for that matter) to deliver applications fast regardless of the environment. Moreover, the applications will be deployed to data centers and the cloud with almost no error. This CI tool provides rapid feedback as well as consistent and continuous delivery in agile development.

Main features of Urbancode are :

  1. Automated and consistent deployments of applications
  2. Transparency: one can view changes like deployment of applications and other such changes.
  3. Provides a variety of licensing plans
  4. Faster delivery of applications
  5. Multi-tier application model
  6. Deployed in public, private and hybrid cloud.
  7. Provides environment quality gates and approval processes.
  8. Drag and drop automation

7. Buildkite

 Jenkins Alternative

Buildkite agent is a reliable CI platform that runs on your own infrastructure for optimal speed, security and control. Furthermore, it provides fast and secure integration. It allows you to run up to 10,000 build agents per account. You can install the agent on any platform, for example, Ubuntu, Debian, Docker, Mac, Windows, etc. In addition, it provides excellent visibility of your pipelines that helps you monitor them easily.

Main features of Buildkite are :

  1. Unlimited language support
  2. Tools to scale thousands of agents
  3. Automated pipelines
  4. Customizable workflow
  5. Create custom SCV integration using the APIs provided by them
  6. It can integrate with the tools like Slack, HipChat, Flowdock, Campfire and more
  7. Does not see source code or secret keys
  8. The community support provided by Jenkins is not good. However, BuildKite has overcome this drawback by providing excellent customer support.

8. GoCD

 Jenkins Alternative

GoCD is an open-source CI tool that provides a map depicting the path to production in a single view. If you want, you also have the option of integrating it with environments like Docker and Kubernetes (there is a small difference between the two). Moreover, it provides a set of advanced features that allow you to view your pipelines and debug them as well. One of the CDs’ best feature is the freedom to deploy your application as per your choice. GoCDs agent grid provides parallel and cross-platform execution which subsequently reports every changeset taking place.

Main features of GoCD are :

  1. Configure dependencies for fast feedback
  2. Can easily pass once built binary between stages.
  3. Transparent workflows
  4. Interactive support community
  5. Multitude of plugins to enhance functionality
  6. Parallel and sequential execution

9. AutoRabit

 Jenkins Alternative

AutoRabit believes in protecting data while accelerating your business at the same time. Every project that has been deployed is saved automatically. In addition, it supports all industry standard version systems, for example: GIT.

Main features of AutoRabit are :

  1. Automated build, deployment and test execution
  2. In addition to detecting log defects in project management systems it also traces a test failure to the source.
  3. Designed to be deployed on Salesforce platform.

10. GitLab

 Jenkins Alternative

GitLab provides a wide range of CI’CD tools under your wing. This powerful open-source Jenkins alternative can be used for all continuous methods. For instance, one can deploy a project without the involvement of a third party application. Furthermore, it has a user friendly interface that allows you to increase integration frequency and code quality while maintaining release velocity and security.

Main features of GitLab are :

  1. Jenkins does not provide DevOp reports and Roadmaps. In contrast to this, GitLab provides a detailed version of them both.
  2. One can build parallelly, therefore reducing time.
  3. It provides several APIs; as a result, developers get to create deeper integrations within a product.
  4. permits docker integration


Jenkins has been one of the most popular CI tools developers have seen so far. However, it has not been able to catch up with the need of the hour and therefore has few drawbacks due to which it is necessary to learn about other CI/CD tools as well. Jenkins has faced a multitude of problems in the recent year, for example, busted pipelines, bugged deliveries, inefficient and inflexible practices, etc. As a result, we have compiled a list of alternatives to Jenkins that will suit each developers’ individual needs.

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Written By Monisha Macharla

Hi, I'm Monisha. I am a tech blogger and a hobbyist. I am eager to learn and explore tech related stuff! also, I wanted to deliver you the same as much as the simpler way with more informative content. I generally appreciate learning by doing, rather than only learning. Thank you for reading my blog! Happy learning!


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