Made by humans, for humans, technology has proven to be our ally, especially in times of need. IoT, in particular, has integrated several hundreds of devices and increased connectivity beyond imagination. The world, as we know it has changed. And now more than ever before technology has grown to aid humanity in the war against COVID-19. But how much power can technology a mass? And can it really help in the containment of the virus? The answer to that lies in understanding what limits the growth and application of technology have been pushed.

Stages of virus containment
1. Awareness
Containment comes in stages, the first of which is awareness. Awareness of the disease, who the victims are, the trends, and what one can do to protect themselves. The answer to spreading this message is through technology. This can be through apps, messages, and articles and in any way or form on social media. Even India has taken to depending on technology to keep its citizens’ informed through the Aarogya Setu app.
2. Identifying carriers
The next stage of containment is identifying possible carriers of the virus and observing them. To do so, technology can track locations through GPS. This, when coupled with image recognition software of CCTV footage can make a powerful tool. And moreover, it enables officials to contain and quarantine those who have been in contact with victims of the virus.
Security cameras with social distancing detectors have become a new norm. This monitors the distance between individuals and alerts authorities if rules of distancing are broken. Another effective and efficient technology is contactless rapid temperature detection of the public. Used to identify those with above-average grade fevers, this can raise an alert. This is especially useful in highly populous countries like India. IoT thus can enable the government and medical care workers to nip the virus at the bud and prevent spreading. Starting at the very source of the virus, Wuhan – not only were drones used to check temperatures and track locations. Also, in the hospitals’ robots were used in the hospitals to reduce transmission risk for the doctor and nurses. They could take the temperature of the patients, give them food and drugs, and even disinfect the wards.

3. Alternatives during lock-down
Another important aspect of containment is providing an alternative for life to go on as usual in order to ensure that education and economy grow and sustain even in such testing times. IoT enabled technology promotes work from home and even virtual classrooms. Even medical consultation for physical and mental therapy can be given via an online call. But most importantly, access to essentials has been delivered to our doorstep through technology. Even though delivery has always been a popular alternative, now more than ever it has turned into a universal savior.

4. Finding a cure:
IoT enables technology is also the answer to finding a cure. This AI can be used to understand the virus, stimulus to test the vaccine, and study the virus. It can help to not only speed up the process, but also to ensure that the cure is safe and widely available.

These applications make it evident that from start to end – technology is on our side of the fight. The only question that lingers is the privacy concern of the public. Is allowing technology to be a microscope into our lives, truly for the greater good? Or will this too have repercussions that we can never escape? The answer to these questions lies in realizing the need of the hour and acting accordingly, the authorities also have to provide a disclosure on the extend and timeline of tracking and other technology-assisted applications in order to put people at peace.