In this article, we will learn how to create a restaurant bill management system with python using basic widgets in Tkinter library. If you are new to Tkinter library I recommend you go through this first because without a basic understanding of these widgets which we are going to use in this article it is difficult to analyze and understand it. Also, you can check out the official documentation for the Tkinter library here.
This article is we will learn how to create a restaurant bill inform of a text file and send it to the client.
There are three basic steps of this project
- First, generate your bill
- Save your bill as a. text file
- Send your bill to your client via email
Let us dive into the first step if the process -generating the bill
Generating the bill
There are many steps involved in the generation of the bill so don’t be scared by the size of code but try to understand and analyze the code.
from Tkinter import *
import time
from random import randint
root = Tk()
root.title("Restaurant Billing System")
Tops = Frame(root, width=1350, height=50, bd=8,bg='blue', relief="raise")
Bottoms = Frame(root, width=1350, height=50, bd=8, relief="raise")
f1 = Frame(root, width=900, height=650, bd=8, relief="raise")
f1a = Frame(f1, width=900, height=330, bd=8, relief="raise")
f2a = Frame(f1, width=900, height=320, bd=8, relief="raise")
f1aa = Frame(f1a, width=400, height=430, bd=8, relief="raise")
f1ab = Frame(f1a, width=400, height=430, bd=8, relief="raise")
f2aa = Frame(f2a, width=450, height=330, bd=8, relief="raise")
f2ab = Frame(f2a, width=450, height=330, bd=8, relief="raise")
#f2 = Frame(root, width=440, height=650, bd=8, relief="raise")
lblInfo = Label(Tops, font=('arial', 25, 'bold'), text="Restaurant Billing System", bd=10, anchor='w')
lblInfo.grid(row=0, column=0)
# ==============================Variables=====================
PaymentRef = StringVar()
idly = StringVar()
biryani = StringVar()
paneer_butter_masala = StringVar()
nimbu_pani = StringVar()
costidly = StringVar()
costbiryani = StringVar()
costpaneer_butter_masala = StringVar()
costnimbu_pani = StringVar()
dateRef = StringVar()
subTotal = StringVar()
vat = StringVar()
totalPrice = StringVar()
text_Input = StringVar()
operator = ""
# =============================Functions==================
def tPrice():
cBprice = int(costidly.get())
bBprice = int(costbiryani.get())
fFprice = int(costpaneer_butter_masala.get())
sDprice = int(costnimbu_pani.get())
cBno = int(idly.get())
bBno = int(biryani.get())
fFno = int(paneer_butter_masala.get())
sDno = int(nimbu_pani.get())
tempVat = int(vat.get())
subPrice = (cBprice * cBno + bBprice * bBno + fFprice * fFno + sDprice * sDno)
totalCost = str('%d' % subPrice)
totalCostwithVat = str('%d' % (subPrice + (subPrice * tempVat) / 100))
def iExit():
qexit = messagebox.askyesno("Billing System", "Do you want to exit?")
if qexit > 0:
def reset():
global x
x = x + 1
def refNo():
global x
y = str(x)
randomRef = str(y)
PaymentRef.set("BILL" + randomRef)
def btnClearDisplay():
global operator
operator = ""
def btnEqualsInput():
global operator
sumup = str(eval(operator))
operator = ""
# ==================================Order Info===========================
lblRef = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), fg="red", text="Reference No", bd=16, justify='left')
lblRef.grid(row=0, column=0)
txtRef = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=PaymentRef, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtRef.grid(row=0, column=1)
# --------------
lblCb = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Idly", bd=16, justify='left')
lblCb.grid(row=1, column=0)
txtCb = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=idly, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtCb.grid(row=1, column=1)
# --------------
lblBb = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Biryani", bd=16, justify='left')
lblBb.grid(row=2, column=0)
txtBb = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=biryani, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtBb.grid(row=2, column=1)
# --------------
lblFf = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Paneer butter masala", bd=16, justify='left')
lblFf.grid(row=3, column=0)
txtFf = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=paneer_butter_masala, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtFf.grid(row=3, column=1)
# --------------
lblSd = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Nimbu pani", bd=16, justify='left')
lblSd.grid(row=4, column=0)
txtSd = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=nimbu_pani, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtSd.grid(row=4, column=1)
# ===================================Payment Info==========================
lbldate = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Date", bd=16, justify='left')
lbldate.grid(row=0, column=0)
txtdate = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=dateRef, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtdate.grid(row=0, column=1)
# --------------
lblCcb = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price of Idly", bd=16, justify='left')
lblCcb.grid(row=1, column=0)
txtCcb = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=costidly, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtCcb.grid(row=1, column=1)
# --------------
lblCbb = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price of Biryani", bd=16, justify='left')
lblCbb.grid(row=2, column=0)
txtCbb = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=costbiryani, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtCbb.grid(row=2, column=1)
# --------------
lblCff = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price of Paneer butter masala", bd=16, justify='left')
lblCff.grid(row=3, column=0)
txtCff = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=costpaneer_butter_masala, bd=10, insertwidth=2,
txtCff.grid(row=3, column=1)
# --------------
lblCsd = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price of Nimbu pani", bd=16, justify='left')
lblCsd.grid(row=4, column=0)
txtCsd = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=costnimbu_pani, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtCsd.grid(row=4, column=1)
# ==========================Total Payment Info======
lblPrice = Label(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price", bd=16, justify='left')
lblPrice.grid(row=0, column=0)
txtPrice = Entry(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=subTotal, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtPrice.grid(row=0, column=1)
# --------------
lblVat = Label(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="VAT", bd=16, justify='left')
lblVat.grid(row=1, column=0)
txtVat = Entry(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=vat, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtVat.grid(row=1, column=1)
# --------------
lblTp = Label(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Total Price", bd=16, justify='left')
lblTp.grid(row=2, column=0)
txtTp = Entry(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=totalPrice, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtTp.grid(row=2, column=1)
#updatelabel=Label(Bottoms,font=('arial',16,'bold'),text="Total Price")
#updatelabel.pack(fill='both' )
# ==============Buttons==========
btnTotal = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=15,
text="Total Price", command=tPrice).grid(row=0, column=1)
btnRefer = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=15,
text="Sales Reference", command=refNo).grid(row=0, column=0)
btnCrtb = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=10,
text="Generate bill", command=create_bill).grid(row=0, column=2)
btnReset = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=15,
text="Reset", command=reset).grid(row=1, column=0)
btnExit = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=15,
text="Exit", command=iExit).grid(row=1, column=1)
btnSndb = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=10,
text="Send bill", command=send_bill).grid(row=1, column=2)
Importing modules
Ok now let us analyze the code .first importing modules needed tkinter ,time,randint(for bill ref number)
from Tkinter import *
import time
from random import randint
Setting up the window
Next up is setting up the big screen and adding frames to it for our bill for reference check out layout management.
root = Tk()
root.title("Restaurant Billing System")
Tops = Frame(root, width=1350, height=50, bd=8,bg='blue', relief="raise")
Bottoms = Frame(root, width=1350, height=50, bd=8, relief="raise")
f1 = Frame(root, width=900, height=650, bd=8, relief="raise")
f1a = Frame(f1, width=900, height=330, bd=8, relief="raise")
f2a = Frame(f1, width=900, height=320, bd=8, relief="raise")
f1aa = Frame(f1a, width=400, height=430, bd=8, relief="raise")
f1ab = Frame(f1a, width=400, height=430, bd=8, relief="raise")
f2aa = Frame(f2a, width=450, height=330, bd=8, relief="raise")
f2ab = Frame(f2a, width=450, height=330, bd=8, relief="raise")
lblInfo = Label(Tops, font=('arial', 25, 'bold'), text="Restaurant Billing System", bd=10, anchor='w')
lblInfo.grid(row=0, column=0)
Declaring the variables
here I am taking the main window in Tk and put up my frames for my interface to look good. You can also do this without these frames using.grid(). Next up is declaring variables for our bill here you will declare the items in the menu along with the price also lay the foundation for reset buttons.
PaymentRef = StringVar()
idly = StringVar()
biryani = StringVar()
paneer_butter_masala = StringVar()
nimbu_pani = StringVar()
costidly = StringVar()
costbiryani = StringVar()
costpaneer_butter_masala = StringVar()
costnimbu_pani = StringVar()
dateRef = StringVar()
subTotal = StringVar()
vat = StringVar()
totalPrice = StringVar()
text_Input = StringVar()
operator = ""
Here the variables are all in strvar() format which means string variables and you can also see. Set functions that set the functions to 0 initially. We can also even set the cost of items in the final part of the code.
Defining the functions
Next is declaring what kind of functions you want to use. An easy trick for declaring functions is the first analyzing what tasks your program needs to perform after that defining the functions.
Idef tPrice():
cBprice = int(costidly.get())
bBprice = int(costbiryani.get())
fFprice = int(costpaneer_butter_masala.get())
sDprice = int(costnimbu_pani.get())
cBno = int(idly.get())
bBno = int(biryani.get())
fFno = int(paneer_butter_masala.get())
sDno = int(nimbu_pani.get())
tempVat = int(vat.get())
subPrice = (cBprice * cBno + bBprice * bBno + fFprice * fFno + sDprice * sDno)
totalCost = str('%d' % subPrice)
totalCostwithVat = str('%d' % (subPrice + (subPrice * tempVat) / 100))
def iExit():
qexit = messagebox.askyesno("Billing System", "Do you want to exit?")
if qexit > 0:
def reset():
global x
x = x + 1
def refNo():
global x
y = str(x)
randomRef = str(y)
PaymentRef.set("BILL" + randomRef)
def btnClearDisplay():
global operator
operator = ""
def btnEqualsInput():
global operator
sumup = str(eval(operator))
operator = ""
In the above code i defined 6 functions
- we use price for calculating the total price. I used the get() function for calling the values written in the entry boxes. convert them to int for mathematical applications.
- The second one is we use I exit to close the window. We use destroy function to do that.
- Next up is reset part of the function we are resetting everything so, we use set function for resetting
- We use ref no function for generating a random number.
- We use The last two functions for mathematical operations.
Arranging the widgets
Here I already used frames so I have to carefully put the widgets in their respective positions.for that I used the grid() method.
lblRef = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), fg="red", text="Reference No", bd=16, justify='left')
lblRef.grid(row=0, column=0)
txtRef = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=PaymentRef, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtRef.grid(row=0, column=1)
# --------------
lblCb = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Idly", bd=16, justify='left')
lblCb.grid(row=1, column=0)
txtCb = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=idly, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtCb.grid(row=1, column=1)
# --------------
lblBb = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Biryani", bd=16, justify='left')
lblBb.grid(row=2, column=0)
txtBb = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=biryani, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtBb.grid(row=2, column=1)
# --------------
lblFf = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Paneer butter masala", bd=16, justify='left')
lblFf.grid(row=3, column=0)
txtFf = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=paneer_butter_masala, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtFf.grid(row=3, column=1)
# --------------
lblSd = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Nimbu pani", bd=16, justify='left')
lblSd.grid(row=4, column=0)
txtSd = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=nimbu_pani, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtSd.grid(row=4, column=1)
# ===================================Payment Info==========================
lbldate = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Date", bd=16, justify='left')
lbldate.grid(row=0, column=0)
txtdate = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=dateRef, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtdate.grid(row=0, column=1)
# --------------
lblCcb = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price of Idly", bd=16, justify='left')
lblCcb.grid(row=1, column=0)
txtCcb = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=costidly, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtCcb.grid(row=1, column=1)
# --------------
lblCbb = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price of Biryani", bd=16, justify='left')
lblCbb.grid(row=2, column=0)
txtCbb = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=costbiryani, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtCbb.grid(row=2, column=1)
# --------------
lblCff = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price of Paneer butter masala", bd=16, justify='left')
lblCff.grid(row=3, column=0)
txtCff = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=costpaneer_butter_masala, bd=10, insertwidth=2,
txtCff.grid(row=3, column=1)
# --------------
lblCsd = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price of Nimbu pani", bd=16, justify='left')
lblCsd.grid(row=4, column=0)
txtCsd = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=costnimbu_pani, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtCsd.grid(row=4, column=1)
# ==========================Total Payment Info======
lblPrice = Label(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price", bd=16, justify='left')
lblPrice.grid(row=0, column=0)
txtPrice = Entry(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=subTotal, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtPrice.grid(row=0, column=1)
# --------------
lblVat = Label(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="VAT", bd=16, justify='left')
lblVat.grid(row=1, column=0)
txtVat = Entry(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=vat, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtVat.grid(row=1, column=1)
# --------------
lblTp = Label(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Total Price", bd=16, justify='left')
lblTp.grid(row=2, column=0)
txtTp = Entry(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=totalPrice, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtTp.grid(row=2, column=1)
#updatelabel=Label(Bottoms,font=('arial',16,'bold'),text="Total Price")
#updatelabel.pack(fill='both' )
# ==============Buttons==========
btnTotal = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=15,
text="Total Price", command=tPrice).grid(row=0, column=1)
btnRefer = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=15,
text="Sales Reference", command=refNo).grid(row=0, column=0)
btnCrtb = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=10,
text="Generate bill", command=create_bill).grid(row=0, column=2)
btnReset = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=15,
text="Reset", command=reset).grid(row=1, column=0)
btnExit = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=15,
text="Exit", command=iExit).grid(row=1, column=1)
btnSndb = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=10,
text="Send bill", command=send_bill).grid(row=1, column=2)
Here I categorized the labels buttons and different parts of code for better understanding.once take a look at the above code.
After integrating all the code snippets expalined above we get the following output

Saving the bill
Path declaration
Now we have successfully generated the bill we need . Now we need to convert the bill into text file.
so, first we need to give the path where i need to store the bill code snippet is given below.
from tkinter import *
import time
x = randint(99, 200)
path = 'D:\\New folder (2)\\New folder'
Note: you need to change the the path in your computer since the same file may not exist in your computer .
Defining function
Next you need to define functions to write the text in txt file for reference look below
def create_bill():
global x
refno = str(x)
title = refno + ".txt"
global path
with open(os.path.join(path, title), "w") as file1:
toFile = output()
qmsg = messagebox.showinfo("Information", "Bill Generated")
def output():
global x
refno = str(x)
list0 = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\ :" + refno
list1 = "\n\n" + "Item\t\t\tQuantity\t\tCost\n"
list7 = "____\t\t\t_______\t\t ____\n\n"
list2 = "Idly\t\t\t" + idly.get() + "\t\t\t" + str(int(idly.get()) * int(costidly.get())) + "\n"
list3 = "Biryani\t\t\t" + biryani.get() + "\t\t\t" + str(int(biryani.get()) * int(costbiryani.get())) + "\n"
list4 = "PaneerButterMasala\t" + paneer_butter_masala.get() + "\t\t\t" + str(
int(costpaneer_butter_masala.get()) * int(paneer_butter_masala.get())) + "\n"
list5 = "NimbuPani\t\t" + nimbu_pani.get() + "\t\t\t" + str(
int(nimbu_pani.get()) * int(costnimbu_pani.get())) + "\n\n"
list6 = "\t\t\t " + "total = Rs " + subTotal.get() + "/-" + "\n"
list8 = "\t\t\t " + "Vat = Rs " + str(int(totalPrice.get()) - int(subTotal.get())) + "/-" + "\n"
list9 = "\t\t\t " + "GrandTotal= Rs " + totalPrice.get()[:] + "/-" + "\n"
String = list0 + list1 + list7 + list2 + list3 + list4 + list5 + list6 + list8 + list9
return String
I defined the above two functions along with others. create bill creates a txt file .output function writes the data onto a text file.
Creating button
Now we create a button to create bill and save it .
btnCrtb = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=10,
text="Generate bill", command=create_bill).grid(row=0, column=2)
Putting it along with the other buttons will make the code more clear.
Emailing your bill
Importing required libraries
Now we have our bill in txt form now we. we SMTP lib module which is already inbuilt in your python program. we import, os,smtplib and email message for this to work.
import os
import smtplib
from email.message import EmailMessage
Defining require variables
EMAIL_ADDRESS = os.environ.get('EMAIL_USER') # enter your email address
EMAIL_PASSWORD = os.environ.get('EMAIL_PASS') # enter password
You have to give your email address in the place of Email_user , Email password in place of email_pass
Defining required functions
def send_bill():
msg = EmailMessage()
msg['Subject'] = 'Your bill '
msg['From'] = EMAIL_ADDRESS
msg['To'] = EMAIL_ADDRESS #receiver email
global x
fileref = str(x) + '.txt'
msg.set_content('This is your Total bill\nyour Reference.No is: Bill' + str(x))
with open(os.path.join(path, fileref), "rb") as f:
file_data =
file_name = "RestaurentBill"
msg.add_attachment(file_data, maintype='application', subtype='octet-stream', filename=file_name)
qsend = messagebox.askyesno("Billing System", "Do you want to send the bill?")
if qsend > 0:
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) as smtp:
qsmsg = messagebox.showinfo("Information", "Bill send successfully")
qnmsg = messagebox.showinfo("Information", "Bill not send")
Creating button for sending email
btnSndb = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=10,
text="Send bill", command=send_bill).grid(row=1, column=2)
Put it in buttons columns fo code for better customization
Final code
After integrating all the code snippets above and then changing colors of buttons, labels we get the following code.
from tkinter import *
import time
from tkinter import messagebox
import os
import smtplib
from email.message import EmailMessage
from random import randint
color3='#bf5454' #exit button
EMAIL_ADDRESS = os.environ.get('EMAIL_USER') # your email address
EMAIL_PASSWORD = os.environ.get('EMAIL_PASS') # password
x = randint(99, 200)
path = 'C:\\Users\\gayatri\\Desktop\\billls' # path to the folder
root = Tk()
root.title("Restaurant Billing System")
Tops = Frame(root, width=1350, height=50, bd=8, bg=color, relief="raise")
Bottoms = Frame(root, width=1350, height=50, bd=8, bg=color, relief="raise")
f1 = Frame(root, width=900, height=650, bd=8, bg=color, relief="raise")
f1a = Frame(f1, width=900, height=330, bd=8, bg=color, relief="raise")
f2a = Frame(f1, width=900, height=320, bd=8, bg=color, relief="raise")
f1aa = Frame(f1a, width=400, height=430, bd=8, bg=color4, relief="raise")
f1ab = Frame(f1a, width=400, height=430, bd=8, bg=color5, relief="raise")
f2aa = Frame(f2a, width=450, height=330, bd=8, bg=color6, relief="raise")
f2ab = Frame(f2a, width=450, height=330, bd=8, bg=color4, relief="raise")
lblInfo = Label(Tops, font=('arial', 25, 'bold'), text="Restaurant Billing System", bg=color,bd=15,padx=12, anchor='w')
lblInfo.grid(row=0, column=0)
# ==============================Variables=====================
PaymentRef = StringVar()
emailID = StringVar()
idly = StringVar()
biryani = StringVar()
paneer_butter_masala = StringVar()
nimbu_pani = StringVar()
costidly = StringVar()
costbiryani = StringVar()
costpaneer_butter_masala = StringVar()
costnimbu_pani = StringVar()
dateRef = StringVar()
subTotal = StringVar()
vat = StringVar()
totalPrice = StringVar()
text_Input = StringVar()
operator = ""
# =============================Functions==================
def tPrice():
cBprice = int(costidly.get())
bBprice = int(costbiryani.get())
fFprice = int(costpaneer_butter_masala.get())
sDprice = int(costnimbu_pani.get())
cBno = int(idly.get())
bBno = int(biryani.get())
fFno = int(paneer_butter_masala.get())
sDno = int(nimbu_pani.get())
tempVat = int(vat.get())
subPrice = (cBprice * cBno + bBprice * bBno + fFprice * fFno + sDprice * sDno)
totalCost = str('%d' % subPrice)
totalCostwithVat = str('%d' % (subPrice + (subPrice * tempVat) / 100))
def iExit():
qexit = messagebox.askyesno("Billing System", "Do you want to exit?")
if qexit > 0:
def reset():
global x
x = x + 1
emailID.set("Enter EmailID")
def refNo():
global x
y = str(x)
randomRef = str(y)
PaymentRef.set("BILL" + randomRef)
def create_bill():
global x
refno = str(x)
pakodi = refno + ".txt"
global path
with open(os.path.join(path, pakodi), "w") as file1:
toFile = output()
qmsg = messagebox.showinfo("Information", "Bill Generated")
def send_bill():
msg = EmailMessage()
msg['Subject'] = 'Your bill '
msg['From'] = EMAIL_ADDRESS
msg['To'] = emailID.get()+'' # receiver email
global x
fileref = str(x) + '.txt'
msg.set_content('This is your Total bill\nyour Reference.No is: Bill' + str(x))
with open(os.path.join(path, fileref), "rb") as f:
file_data =
file_name = "RestaurentBill"
msg.add_attachment(file_data, maintype='application', subtype='octet-stream', filename=file_name)
qsend = messagebox.askyesno("Billing System", "Do you want to send the bill?")
if qsend > 0:
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) as smtp:
qsmsg = messagebox.showinfo("Information", "Bill send successfully")
qnmsg = messagebox.showinfo("Information", "Bill will not send")
def output():
global x
refno = str(x)
list0 = "\t\t\t\t\ :" + refno
list02='\t\t\t\tEmailID :'+emailID.get()+''
list1 = "\n\n" + "Item\t\t\tQuantity\t\tCost\n"
list7 = "____\t\t\t_______\t\t ____\n\n"
list2 = "Idly\t\t\t" + idly.get() + "\t\t\t" + str(int(idly.get()) * int(costidly.get())) + "\n"
list3 = "Biryani\t\t\t" + biryani.get() + "\t\t\t" + str(int(biryani.get()) * int(costbiryani.get())) + "\n"
list4 = "PaneerButterMasala\t" + paneer_butter_masala.get() + "\t\t\t" + str(
int(costpaneer_butter_masala.get()) * int(paneer_butter_masala.get())) + "\n"
list5 = "NimbuPani\t\t" + nimbu_pani.get() + "\t\t\t" + str(
int(nimbu_pani.get()) * int(costnimbu_pani.get())) + "\n\n"
list6 = "\t\t\t " + "total = Rs " + subTotal.get() + "/-" + "\n"
list8 = "\t\t\t " + "Vat = Rs " + str(int(totalPrice.get()) - int(subTotal.get())) + "/-" + "\n"
list9 = "\t\t\t " + "GrandTotal= Rs " + totalPrice.get()[:] + "/-" + "\n"
String = list0 +list02+ list1 + list7 + list2 + list3 + list4 + list5 + list6 + list8 + list9
return String
def btnClearDisplay():
global operator
operator = ""
def btnEqualsInput():
global operator
sumup = str(eval(operator))
operator = ""
# ==================================Order Info===========================
lblRef = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), fg="red", text="Reference No", bd=16, bg=color4, justify='left')
lblRef.grid(row=0, column=0)
txtRef = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=PaymentRef, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtRef.grid(row=0, column=1)
# --------------
lblCb = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Idly", bd=16, bg=color4, justify='left')
lblCb.grid(row=1, column=0)
txtCb = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=idly, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtCb.grid(row=1, column=1)
# --------------
lblBb = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Biryani", bd=16, bg=color4, justify='left')
lblBb.grid(row=2, column=0)
txtBb = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=biryani, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtBb.grid(row=2, column=1)
# --------------
lblFf = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Paneer butter masala", bd=16, bg=color4, justify='left')
lblFf.grid(row=3, column=0)
txtFf = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=paneer_butter_masala, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtFf.grid(row=3, column=1)
# --------------
lblSd = Label(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Nimbu pani", bd=16, bg=color4, justify='left')
lblSd.grid(row=4, column=0)
txtSd = Entry(f1aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=nimbu_pani, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtSd.grid(row=4, column=1)
# ===================================Payment Info==========================
lbldate = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Date", bd=16, bg=color5, justify='left')
lbldate.grid(row=0, column=0)
txtdate = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=dateRef, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtdate.grid(row=0, column=1)
# --------------
lblCcb = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price of Idly", bd=16, bg=color5, justify='left')
lblCcb.grid(row=1, column=0)
txtCcb = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=costidly, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtCcb.grid(row=1, column=1)
# --------------
lblCbb = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price of Biryani", bd=16, bg=color5, justify='left')
lblCbb.grid(row=2, column=0)
txtCbb = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=costbiryani, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtCbb.grid(row=2, column=1)
# --------------
lblCff = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price of Paneer butter masala", bd=16, bg=color5,
lblCff.grid(row=3, column=0)
txtCff = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=costpaneer_butter_masala, bd=10, insertwidth=2,
txtCff.grid(row=3, column=1)
# --------------
lblCsd = Label(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price of Nimbu pani", bd=16, bg=color5, justify='left')
lblCsd.grid(row=4, column=0)
txtCsd = Entry(f1ab, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=costnimbu_pani, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtCsd.grid(row=4, column=1)
# ==========================Total Payment Info======
lblPrice = Label(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Price", bd=16, bg=color6, justify='left')
lblPrice.grid(row=0, column=0)
txtPrice = Entry(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=subTotal, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtPrice.grid(row=0, column=1)
# --------------
lblVat = Label(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="VAT", bd=16, bg=color6, justify='left')
lblVat.grid(row=1, column=0)
txtVat = Entry(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=vat, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtVat.grid(row=1, column=1)
# --------------
lblTp = Label(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="Total Price", bd=16, bg=color6, justify='left')
lblTp.grid(row=2, column=0)
txtTp = Entry(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=totalPrice, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtTp.grid(row=2, column=1)
# ----------------
lblTp = Label(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), text="EMAIL-ID", bd=16, bg=color6, justify='left')
lblTp.grid(row=3, column=0)
txtTp = Entry(f2aa, font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable=emailID, bd=10, insertwidth=2, justify='left')
txtTp.grid(row=3, column=1)
# ==============Buttons==========
btnTotal = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=15,
text="Total Price", bg=color, command=tPrice).grid(row=1, column=0)
btnRefer = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=15,
text="Sales Reference", bg=color, command=refNo).grid(row=0, column=0)
btnCrtb = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=10,
text="Generate bill", bg=color1, command=create_bill).grid(row=0, column=2)
btnReset = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=15,
text="Reset", bg=color, command=reset).grid(row=0, column=1)
btnExit = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=15,
text="Exit", bg=color3, command=iExit).grid(row=1, column=1)
btnSndb = Button(f2ab, padx=16, pady=16, bd=8, fg="black", font=('arial', 16, 'bold'), width=10,
text="Send bill", bg=color1, command=send_bill).grid(row=1, column=2)
I have already put a few color codes in the above code for you to edit.
video output:
Note: You need to disable less secure app access for your mail to be sent successfully.
You can also use this module to create something else like an addmission form or application form and many more
I hope you had fun coding this project. Well, that’s about it. Now go create something more fun, and I hope my tutorial has helped you out somewhat.