In this article, we are going to focus on while loops used in python with suitable examples. The content of this article is shown below:
While loop in Python is a primitive type of conditional loop by which repeated execution of a block of statements is done until an expression is true.
while i>6:
The above condition is satisfied until the value is greater than 6
The break statement
When we wan to forcefully stop the execution though the condition is true the break statement is used. To know more you can refer to this site.
i = 10
while i >2:
if i == 6:
i -= 2

In the above code though the condition is greater than 2 but it stops execution at the time it reaches to 6
The continue Statement
This statement stops the current iteration and can start the next execution. To know more you can refer to this site.
i = 2
while i < 8:
i += 1
if i == 4:

The else Statement
Like to for loops we use else statement here also in order to run a block of code once the condition becomes false.
i = 2
while i < 8:
i += 2
print(" The value of i is not less than 8")