Self Driving car concept has fundamentally changed the way of Internet of things application in future cars. Growth of 5G and Edge Computing is an equally important factor in development of self driving cars. However the research in this field absolutely fascinating & I believe it will go from strength to strength. But, the massive problems that still remain will need to be fully resolved before autonomous cars become a reality. Self-driving cars are going to be a milestone in human progress
The connected world is the future of industry. This is also true for self driving cars.
‘Every new vehicle will be connected and will generate high-volume data that to be transferred to/from the cloud‘.
The future of above quote is not far .The biggest challenge will be to efficiently process & deliver this data for achieving speed, security & reliability .
How will self driving cars impact society?
Cars with drivers won’t disappear. After all, there are still people riding horses, and there are cultures that still use horses and buggies, and mix with cars in our society. But huge sections of our society will change, just like it did when cars and trucks become the primary mode of transportation. However thousands of life by car and truck accidents every year will survive .
Are they going to kill the joy of driving?
The joy of driving will probably increase due to a variety of reasons.
- Take the poor drivers off the wheel
- Reduce the number of vehicles on the road,some might be able to call a vehicle on demand, instead of having to own and operate the vehicles. Lesser vehicles, more pleasure
- Manage parking better,that will reduce one of my biggest pain points with driving

Key Technologies for self driving cars:
Smart Sensors :
- Electronic sensor will be the sensory organs of the smart connected AI device in future
- Precision and accuracy of the sensor will be the biggest challenge
- Smart and connected vehicle means a lot of data being collected at every single point of the driving
- Many experts agree that large-scale adoption of 5G—the next-generation wireless technology—is required
- Latency is the crucial factor of these vehicles latency of 1 millisecond means a lot!
- Cars will be benefiting from 5G due to it’s ‘faster and smoother streaming of information’
Edge Computing:

- Increase on the load to cloud infrastructure due to data generated has given rise to edge computing
- Edge device may be a machine learning hardware device inside the Car or Roadside infrastructure as depicted above
- These devices will help to make some critical decisions on the spot
- Most of decisions will take at the edge which will reduce the load and latency on cloud
Artificial Intelligence:
- Autonomous vehicles are also being equipped with AI-based functional systems such as voice and speech recognition, gesture controls, eye tracking and other driving monitoring systems
- These systems give customers a great user-experience and keep them safe on the roads.
- The driving experiences generated from every ride is recorded and stored in the database
- Furthermore experience given to the intelligent agent make much more accurate decisions in the future.
A simple case study on how self driving car:

Think that a working women wants to leave her child to day a care center in the morning . After leaving her child she will to go to her office . Now this takes her lot of time and she is always late to office. Since Child cannot drive its difficult to cope up with her tight schedule . So mother first goes to Day care leaves he child there and comes back to the office . Moreover Mother cannot find a trustworthy with whom she can send her child .
Now, self driving car can solve the above problem , Mother goes to her office. Self driving car can take the child to the Day care center . And an interesting fact can be notices ie the route taken with the autonomous car is also reduced. And self driving cars can also use the shortest route algorithm since all cars are connected , this can also solve the traffic problem .
There is no doubt that Self driving cars are fascinating ,But there are some legal and ethical issues its facing . Surely it is the future of mankind.