The modern-day world cannot be imagined without machines and industries. Industries form the basic building blocks which made the evolution of humans possible. Like everything else in this world gets upgraded to its better versions, industries aren’t behind in this game. The evolution of industry made them efficient and advantageous to us. Industries made mass production possible which was benefiting not only the economy but also uplifting the standard of living. Today we are living in industry 4.0 moving towards 5.0 fast but steady. Let’s discuss the industrial revolution, the key features of industry 4.0 and 5.0, and the differences between industry 4.0 and 5.0.
The Industrial Revolution
Starting from Great Britain, the Industrial Revolution began in the 1700s, with the introduction of Steam Power. Shifting to the textile industry further, production shifted to factories from smaller households and shops. This not only introduced new technologies, but also new types of transportation, and a completely new life for people. People started migrating to urban areas from rural to seek jobs. From 1.0, technologies kept evolving and the revolution has now reached 5.0 and is still progressing.
Let’s discuss the Industrial Revolution in depth:
Industry 1.0

The First Industrial Revolution started in 1760, where the transition to new manufacturing techniques using steam and water took place. The textile and transportation industry were the most benefited from industrialization. The work being done using muscle before was now done using machines giving better produce. The work efficiency went up to almost eight times and steam engines were now being used for power. It also led to increasing human productivity.
Industry 2.0

Starting around 1840, this era was also referred to as The Technological Revolution in Britain, America, and Germany. In this era, electricity was introduced and it became the primary source of power because this was easier than water and steam and also allowed concentration of power to each machinery individually, making them portable. Assembly line and mass production became a common thing resulting in productivity increase. Jobs were also created and labor was divided amongst the total job.
Industry 3.0

Taking off around 1970, Industry 3.0 came with the birth and invention of electronic devices. One major device invented in this era was the computer which is the most basic necessity in today’s world. For the very same reason, this era is known as the computer era. Not only transistors and circuit chips but also Information Technology(IT) was introduced. Basic and partial automation was now occurring using Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and/or Memory Programmable Controllers. Also, using the Internet and renewable energy, manufacturing technologies were enhanced.
Industry 4.0

Coined in 2011, the fourth industrial revolution or industry 4.0 was built upon the third industrial revolution to enable better technologies. This era made everything “Smarter”. The few most important technologies introduced were :
- Internet of Things (IoT) – Connection or interrelation of computing devices with all mechanical and digital devices to share/store/analyze or transfer data.
- Cloud computing – Providing different computing services like databases and servers over the internet.
- Cyber-physical system – Requires integrating of sensors, physical objects, and other infrastructure with each other and to the internet.
- Cognitive computing – Simulating human thought processes to computerized modules. The most common example for this would be AI.
The production and manufacturing systems that had become more efficient because of Industry 3.0 now were also automated; and the concept of Smart Factories was introduced. Here systems, components, and humans are all connected via network making the manufacturing process easier and automated. Sharing and analyzing information also became much easier. Concepts such as Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, etc. also became very common. Suffice to say, most work could now be done without human intervention.
Industry 5.0

With the evolution of the world comes the evolution of oneself, which calls for personalization and enhancement of goods. Since concepts such as robotics and AI have already been implemented, what does 5.0 hold for us? The Fifth Revolution or industry 5.0 is aiming towards humans working with these technologies for improving efficiency. Strategizing methods of integration of humans with robots are necessary for maximum benefits because it will aim to meet the high demand for individuals with individual personalization and customizations. Increased human interaction with smart machines will also result in increased efficiency. Not to forget that, with this change-making its breakthrough, higher-value jobs will also be created.
A new and significant team “Cobots” has also been coined in this era. Cobots are basically a collaboration between humans and robots. Although robots are much more precise and efficient than humans, too much automation is of no use. Robots are incapable of thinking and inflexible, which makes too much use of it harmful.
Requirements of 5.0:
- Better Trained Employees: With the technologies so advanced, trained personnel specializing in the field are required. Employees who know about Robotics, AI, and also know the machines and operators well are required. Training of employees has also taken a big leap using the facility of education online via courses or any other.
- Perfect Technology: For better efficiency and collaborative working, new and better technology is always going to be a need. This is not only required for safety and a better-planned future but also a better factory 5.0.
Advantages of 5.0
- Cost Enhancement: Financial decisions and conditions will be improved since humans and machines will be working together.
- Greener Solutions: With the new technologies coming in, concerns regarding the environment are being given utmost priority.
- Creative Personalization: Personalization is a key aspect of industry 5.0. With machines still doing the monotonous tasks, human interaction with them opens the gates for individual personalization.
Difference between 4.0 and 5.0
Industry 4.0 | Industry 5.0 |
The aim is to do Process automation. | The aim is for Balancing machine-human interaction. |
The technology was the most important. | Collaboration between humans and machines is the most important. |
Completely virtual environment. | The transition back to the real environment. |
Cut down the number of people as new smart technologies started being implemented. | Increased number of humans in touch with machinery. |
Smarter and better-connected machines with the workspace. | Merging cognitive computing with human intelligence. |
No personalization or customization is possible. | Personalization and customization are possible making every product better and made according to individual preferences. |
It is still dangling between renewable and non-renewable sources. | It is more advantageous to nature since renewable sources will now be used more. |
Industry 6.0?
With the evolution rate of technologies, there will not only be a 6.0, but also a 7.0 and 8.0. Each being an upgrade from that of the previous one with some new technology or just an advancement in the current. What the future holds in this tech world, only time can tell. But keeping up with the evolving technologies is an utmost requirement and necessity. For now, let’s enjoy what industry 5.0 has given us and be ready to dive into industry 6.0 soon!