Exploring AWS Compute Services: Delivering Application Executables

by Mar 13, 2024Uncategorized

In the world of cloud computing, AWS offers a plethora of services to meet diverse computational needs. From traditional virtual servers to serverless computing, AWS Compute Services cater to a wide range of use cases. In this blog post, we’ll dive into various AWS compute services and explore how they deliver application executables.


Instances are virtual servers hosted in the cloud. They provide computing resources such as CPU, memory, storage, and networking. With AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), users can launch instances tailored to their specific requirements. EC2 offers a variety of instance types optimized for different workloads, ensuring flexibility and scalability.


Containers revolutionize the way applications are deployed and managed. With containers, developers can package applications and their dependencies into a standardized unit, ensuring consistency across different environments. Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) and Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) are AWS services that facilitate container orchestration and management. ECS enables users to run containers at scale, while EKS offers a managed Kubernetes environment for deploying containerized applications.

AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers. It allows users to run containers without managing underlying infrastructure. With Fargate, developers can focus on building and deploying applications without worrying about server provisioning, scaling, or maintenance. Fargate abstracts away the complexities of container orchestration, making it an ideal choice for deploying containerized workloads in a serverless manner.


Serverless computing, exemplified by AWS Lambda, takes the abstraction of infrastructure to the next level. With Lambda, developers can run code in response to events without provisioning or managing servers. Applications are broken down into small, event-driven functions that are executed on-demand. Lambda scales automatically based on the incoming workload, providing cost-effective and scalable compute resources.

Delivering Application Executables

When it comes to delivering application executables, each AWS compute service offers unique approaches:

Instances (Amazon EC2)

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is a foundational service offered by AWS that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. EC2 instances serve as virtual servers where users can run applications, host websites, and perform various computational tasks. In this blog post, we’ll explore how application executables can be bundled into Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and deployed to EC2 instances, offering users flexibility and customization options to meet their specific requirements.

Bundling Application Executables into AMIs: Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) serve as templates for launching EC2 instances. They encapsulate the operating system, software packages, configuration settings, and application executables required to run an application. Bundling application executables into AMIs allows users to create custom environments tailored to their application’s needs.

  1. Build and Configure the Environment:
    • Begin by setting up a virtual server environment on an EC2 instance.
    • Install the necessary software packages, libraries, and dependencies required for the application.
    • Configure the operating system settings and network configurations according to the application’s requirements.
  2. Package the Application Executables:
    • Once the environment is configured, package the application executables into the desired directory structure.
    • Include all necessary files, binaries, scripts, and resources required for the application to run.
    • Ensure that permissions and access controls are set correctly for the application files.
  3. Create an AMI:
    • After packaging the application executables, create a custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI) using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or SDKs.
    • Specify the EC2 instance type, storage volumes, and other configuration options for the AMI.
    • During the creation process, the current state of the EC2 instance, including the installed software and configurations, is captured in the AMI.

Containers (Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS):

Applications packaged as Docker containers can be deployed to ECS or EKS clusters. Containers provide portability and consistency, making it easy to deliver application executables across different environments.

Deploying Containers to Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS: Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS streamline the deployment and management of containerized applications, offering robust orchestration capabilities and integrations with other AWS services.

Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service):

  • Amazon ECS is a fully managed container orchestration service that allows users to run Docker containers at scale.
  • To deploy containers to ECS, define a task definition that specifies the Docker image, resource requirements, networking, and other configurations.
  • Create an ECS cluster to host the containers and associate it with a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) for network isolation.
  • ECS manages the deployment, scaling, and scheduling of containers across the cluster, ensuring high availability and performance.

Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service):

Gives you the flexibility to start, run, and scale Kubernetes applications in the AWS Cloud or on premises. Runs upstream Kubernetes and is certified Kubernetes conformant

Availability: EKS runs the Kubenetes conrol plane across multiple AZs and automatically detects and replaces unhealthy control plane nodes and provides on-demand, zero downtime upgrades and patching.

  • Amazon EKS is a fully managed Kubernetes service that simplifies the deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters.
  • To deploy containers to EKS, create Kubernetes deployment manifests that define the desired state of the application, including the Docker image, replicas, and other settings.
  • Provision an EKS cluster using the AWS Management Console, CLI, or SDKs, and configure it to integrate with other AWS services and resources.
  • EKS automates the deployment, scaling, and lifecycle management of containers using Kubernetes concepts such as Pods, Deployments, and Services.

AWS Fargate: Similar to ECS and EKS, Fargate allows users to deploy containerized applications. However, with Fargate, users don’t need to manage underlying infrastructure, making it simpler to deliver and run application executables.

Serverless (AWS Lambda)

In a serverless architecture, application code is packaged into functions and executed in response to events. Developers can upload application code directly to Lambda, which takes care of execution and scaling automatically.

Packaging Application Code into Lambda Functions: To deliver application executables with AWS Lambda, developers follow these steps to package their code into Lambda functions:

  1. Write the Function Code:
    • Begin by writing the application logic or business logic as a function in the programming language of your choice.
    • The function should encapsulate the desired functionality of the application, such as processing data, performing calculations, or interacting with external services.
  2. Define Function Triggers:
    • Specify the events or triggers that will invoke the Lambda function. These triggers can include HTTP requests, S3 object uploads, DynamoDB table updates, SNS notifications, and more.
    • Lambda functions can be triggered synchronously or asynchronously, depending on the nature of the event and the desired response time.
  3. Package and Upload the Function:
    • Once the function code and triggers are defined, package the function code along with any required dependencies into a ZIP archive.
    • Upload the ZIP archive directly to AWS Lambda using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or SDKs. Lambda automatically provisions the necessary resources and configurations to execute the function.
// Import AWS SDK
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new AWS.S3();
const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB();
const sns = new AWS.SNS();

// Lambda function to handle different triggers
exports.handler = async (event) => {
    console.log('Event:', JSON.stringify(event));

    // Check if the event is an HTTP request
    if (event.httpMethod) {
        console.log('HTTP Request Trigger');
        // Handle HTTP request logic here
        return {
            statusCode: 200,
            body: JSON.stringify({ message: 'HTTP request received' })

    // Check if the event is an S3 object upload event
    if (event.Records && event.Records[0].eventSource === 'aws:s3') {
        console.log('S3 Object Upload Trigger');
        // Handle S3 object upload logic here
        const bucketName = event.Records[0].s3.bucket.name;
        const objectKey = event.Records[0].s3.object.key;
        console.log('Bucket Name:', bucketName);
        console.log('Object Key:', objectKey);
        // Additional processing can be done with the uploaded object

    // Check if the event is a DynamoDB table update event
    if (event.Records && event.Records[0].eventSource === 'aws:dynamodb') {
        console.log('DynamoDB Table Update Trigger');
        // Handle DynamoDB table update logic here
        const tableName = event.Records[0].eventSourceARN.split('/')[1];
        console.log('Table Name:', tableName);
        // Additional processing can be done with the updated records

    // Check if the event is an SNS notification
    if (event.Records && event.Records[0].EventSource === 'aws:sns') {
        console.log('SNS Notification Trigger');
        // Handle SNS notification logic here
        const message = event.Records[0].Sns.Message;
        console.log('SNS Message:', message);
        // Additional processing can be done with the notification message

    // Add more triggers as needed

    // Return success response
    return { statusCode: 200 };

This code demonstrates how to handle different triggers within a Lambda function. You can further customize the logic inside each trigger block to perform specific actions based on the event received. Make sure to configure the appropriate permissions and event configurations in AWS Lambda console or through AWS CloudFormation for each trigger to invoke the Lambda function accordingly.

AWS Compute Services offer a wide range of options for delivering application executables, from traditional virtual servers to serverless computing. Whether you prefer instances, containers, or serverless functions, AWS provides the flexibility and scalability needed to deploy applications effectively. By understanding the strengths of each compute service, organizations can choose the right approach for delivering application executables and meet their business needs efficiently.

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Written By Monisha Macharla

Hi, I'm Monisha. I am a tech blogger and a hobbyist. I am eager to learn and explore tech related stuff! also, I wanted to deliver you the same as much as the simpler way with more informative content. I generally appreciate learning by doing, rather than only learning. Thank you for reading my blog! Happy learning!


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