What is Computer Vision?
Computer Vision is all about how the computer gains understanding from digitals images and videos. From the perspective of engineering, it seeks to understand and automate tasks that the human visual system can do. Computer vision tasks include methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing, and understanding digital images, and extraction of high-dimensional data from the real world in order to produce numerical or symbolic information.
How can we Combine Computer Vision and IoT?
We can use Computer Vision techniques in IoT Applications in many ways. For example, We can collect digital images using a camera sensor. All these images and can train the computer for a certain application using computer vision concepts.
In other words, Applying the concepts of computer vision can prove to be very effective, however, applying them in an IoT based network, is quite another. Therefore, It is considerably more effective, and the identification capabilities increase exponentially.
Following are some of the applications of computer vision inside an IoT based framework:
Smart video surveillance

It is an IOT-based application as it uses the Internet for various purposes. The proposed system intimates the presence of any person on the premises, also providing more security by recording the activity of that person.
System working starts with the detection of motion refining to human detection. Then starts counting humans in the room and human presence also gets notified to neighbors by turning on the alarm. In addition, we can send the user a notification about the same through SMS and e-mail.
Plant Growth Monitoring:

The growth of valuable plants, used for a variety of medicinal and research-based purposes, can be done in real-time, throughout the developmental stages.
An automatic system for monitoring the growth of plants is the latest application of IoT and image processing. Such kind
of information can be useful for formers, botanists, industrialists, food engineers, and physicians. This work
combines Image Processing and IoT to monitor the plant and to collect environmental factors such as
humidity and temperature. In image processing, a recognition system capable of identifying plants by using the
images of their leaves , and with the help of the images, we can control the use of pesticides.
The system runs pre-processing and feature extraction techniques on the image before a pattern matcher
compares the information from this image with the ones in the database in order to get potential matches. The
different features that are extracted and compared are the color, texture, and shape of the leaf. Based on the
pattern recognition a leaf can be identified as healthy or deceased. Here we combine IoT and Image processing.
Traffic Monitoring:

The ebb and flow of traffic can be managed and controlled through a machine-based network, which evaluates congestion potential and adjusts the flow to actively prevent both jams and accidents.
Traffic signal management is one of the major problematic issues in the current situation. In such scenarios, every signal is getting 60 seconds of timing on the road at a regular interval, even when traffic on that particular road is dense. The major advantage of this system is that it can able to decrease the more waiting time for the drivers to the crossroad signal.