Commonly used fundamental Linux Commands in Raspberry Pi

by Dec 3, 2019IoT Programming, Raspberry Pi

When you open the Raspberry Pi terminal, the first thing to start with is to grab the upgrade of the OS. Then the update begins. Or, somehow you will need to install some packages. For these purposes, you will use Linux commands more often.

After reading this article, you may feel that Linux is not that tough and you may get well versed in the usage. I have updated the list restricted to the use of Raspberry Pi, but remember that Linux has a huge base of commands.

General Commands


Installs, upgrades and uninstalls packages.

First, we will learn to install a package or a language maybe.

1. For example, Pylint is a package for the Python and for installing the package you have to give the above command.

sudo apt-get install pylint

2. This will list the packages it wants to install, tell you how much space it needs for the download, and then get on with it when you tell it to.  Sometimes, it asks for Yes/No for upgrading the system. You have to press either Y or N to continue the upgrade.

sudo apt-get upgrade

3. To make sure the system is updated.

sudo apt-get update

4. To clear the previous commands and start over from the beginning


5. To Shutdown the system


6. To open the configuration in the Raspberry Pi


7. To reboot the Raspberry Pi

sudo reboot

How do I use sudo last command?

  1. Simply enter the command again adding sudo before the command.
  2. Press Up arrow to get the last command and put sudo in front of it.
  3. Enter sudo !!

8. To shutdown the Pi immediately

shutdown -h now

9. To shutdown the Pi at a specific time period at 11:20 AM

shutdown –h 11:20 

10. Opens the Linux text Editor with the new file name file.txt

nano file.txt

11. To find out who you are logged is as


12. To take a screenshot, that saves in the pi folder.


13. Lists the currently logged in users


14. Obtain information on the Linux computer with the kernel details.

uname -a
uname -r
uname -v
uname -s
  • -a an option to see everything
  • -s to see the kernal name
  • -r to view the release of the kernel
  • -v to view the kernel version

15. To set a password for the other user and self. for other user, just use sudo in front of the command.

sudo passwd iot

Here “iot” is the other user

File System

1. To list the files and folders in the current directory


To list the files and folders in the current directory with a detailed listing (long)

ls -l

To include hidden files use the -a (all files) option

ls -lha

2. echo

The echo command prints (echoes) a string of text to the terminal window.

echo iot4beginners

The echo command can show the value of environment variables, for example, the $USER, $HOME, and $PATH environment variables.

echo $PATH
echo $USER
echo $HOME
echo iot4beginners >> out.txt

“iot4beginners” is written and saved as a file named out.txt

3. Creates a new directory named iot4beginners inside the current directory.

mkdir iot4beginners

4. To display the contents of the file

cat out.txt

5. To change the current directory of the some other directory

cd /home/pi

6. To remove or delete the file

rm out.txt

7. To create a new file in the current directory

touch man.txt

8. Removes the entire directory

rmdir iot4beginners

9. To copy the file or the entire directory

cp /home/pi/out.txt /home/pi/Magenta/

Networking Commands

1. To check the status or the ip address of the wired and wireless connection


2. To check the status of the wireless adapter


3. To create a static IP address for the Ethernet adapter

sudo ip a add 192.168.88.xx/24 dev eth0

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Written By Monisha Macharla

Hi, I'm Monisha. I am a tech blogger and a hobbyist. I am eager to learn and explore tech related stuff! also, I wanted to deliver you the same as much as the simpler way with more informative content. I generally appreciate learning by doing, rather than only learning. Thank you for reading my blog! Happy learning!


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