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Raspberry Pi 4: What’s new?

Raspberry Pi 4: What’s new?

To all the Raspberry Pi enthusiasts and newbies out there, I guess you had tried the credit-card sized computer which is proven to be a major hit among the projects from light computing to heavy workflows. It is available with 1, 2 and 4 GB RAM, and in the history of...

Getting started with the Sense Hat

We had already learned about Raspberry Pi and the setup of the board (Headless Raspberry Pi Setup), now we will learn about one of the add-on boards of the Raspberry Pi called as the Sense Hat. This Sense Hat is first of all created for the Astro Pi project and...
Headless Raspberry Pi Setup

Headless Raspberry Pi Setup

In my previous article, I had written about Raspberry Pi and the use of the GPIO pins. You can set up the Pi using a monitor connected to the Pi using an HDMI cable and the keyboard, mouse connected to RPi’s USB port. Just download the Raspbian OS in an SD card...
An Introduction to the Raspberry Pi

An Introduction to the Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi 3B+ Model The Raspberry Pi is also known as RPi is a small, “Single Board Computer” (SBC) developed in the United Kingdom by a charity called Raspberry Pi Foundation. Their main aim is to educate basic computer science in developing countries. They had...