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Python Data type

Python Data type

In this article, we will know all about Python data type and there use with suitable examples. The contents of the article is shown below: IntroductionNumeric typeSequence typeBoolean DictionaryPython castingMutable & Immutable objects Introduction Variables can...
Python Data type

Python If-Else Loops

In this article, we are going to tell about the if-else loops used in Python. So, before coming to loops we first need to know what is loop and why we need a loop. If you have a prior idea of knowing other programming languages you can get it. That when we want to...
Python Data type

Python User Inputs

This article describes Python user input. It means that the programmer can give input and according to that input Python will give output. For Python 3.6 and the above versions, the input() method is used. But for below 3.6 we use raw_input() method. The below example...
Python Data type

Python JSON

Python has an in-built package called JSON. So in this article we will discuss on Python JSON in details. The following is the content of this JSON : Convert JSON to PythonCovert Python to JSONList of Objects Can be Converted to JSONPython & JSON object...
Python Data type

Python For loops

In this article, we will know all about the For loops used in Python with suitable examples. So, before coming to the topic you should know that we use for loops in order to introduce any iteration in our code. The following are the contents of this article:...
Python Data type

Python Set Methods

In this article, we will explain the set methods of Python one by one. The following is the list of built-in methods used in Python. add()difference()intersection()isdisjoint()intersection_updatecopy() add() method This method add() the required element in the s =...