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IoT Applications in Retail

IoT Applications in Retail

With new technologies like IoT, the concept of smart kitchen could restock itself. We’re not far away from that. Grocery retailers match smart kitchens with smart aisles. In addition, IoT connected devices such as beacons, video cameras, digital signage and...
GPS future with IOT

GPS future with IOT

Although GPS technology has been around for decades, the emergence of IoT has reshaped the way we use GPS-based applications and devices. IoT technology enhances GPS devices to transmit data remotely and connect to other systems and sensors. Modern-day...
Insurance and IoT

Insurance and IoT

The world is connected now more than ever. The Internet of Things proceed it further than we can imagine. Moreover, it connects almost 50 billion devices to 8 million people. Therefore, people are linking with their homes, cars, health information, work, industry and...