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Sensor Technology in IoT and How it works

Sensor Technology in IoT and How it works

Senors Technology plays a key role when we use it in IoT. The sensor is a device which detects changes in an environment or measures physical property, record, indicates or respond to it. so, different types of applications require different types of sensors to data...
What is IoRT(Internet of Robotic Things)

What is IoRT(Internet of Robotic Things)

The IoT and robotics, two different fields, are coming together to create IoRT (Internet of Robotic Things). The IoRT is a concept in which intelligent devices can monitor the events happening around them, fuse their sensor data, use local and distributed intelligence...
How to export and import flows-node-red

How to export and import flows-node-red

Flows are imported and exported from the editor using their JSON format. So,Node-red makes it easy to share flows with others. Exporting flows Step 1: Click on the node that you want to export and press CTRL, the node will be highlighted. Step 2: Go the top right side...